Heres what i did today but hardly anything of what i did today
i ate these
i watched this happen threw and threw and so i asked bob where he got his matt, bob said he didnt know i said ask ur mom cuz i think it looks like something made in mexico. ;-)
in the same room as the picture above we had this bottle of taquila floating around with a cross on it but i wasnt fuckin with it but randomly the cap poped off itself about 6 inches in the air and laned right next to it so everyone examin this photo for weird ghostly type things
same room
all done fuckys.
ok so heres what im going to do here listen up and listen well as you may or my not know depending on if ur retarded or not you may know that this is MY key word my as in just more none of those tester ones for you smart asses this is my second post and im gunna do a lil test perhaps and experiment if you will on here and any one that talks to my mom or my moms boyfriend kevin dont tell them about this blog cuz im gunna secretly advertise for them on here and see if they come ranting to me about how much shit there selling and how i never helped them out so you get the picture muahahah, and hey im being nice to my mommy everyone, and plus the more money they have the longer my internet connection stays on so more and more entertainment for you, and also plus i dont think any mom would enjoy these pictures, but hey lets keep it to ourselves and well all stay big balls of joy! so heres there greens they slangin ;-)
its all up to you to figure out what it does to you but as for me well a full day of skating a hefty night of partying a phat burrito and here i am at 5 am still treating you guys to my treat, right like that VVVV!
good by and i will see you later today, sooner than later cuz ill have energy from both my greens mommys and all. ;-)
i ate these
i watched this happen threw and threw and so i asked bob where he got his matt, bob said he didnt know i said ask ur mom cuz i think it looks like something made in mexico. ;-)
in the same room as the picture above we had this bottle of taquila floating around with a cross on it but i wasnt fuckin with it but randomly the cap poped off itself about 6 inches in the air and laned right next to it so everyone examin this photo for weird ghostly type things
same room
all done fuckys.
ok so heres what im going to do here listen up and listen well as you may or my not know depending on if ur retarded or not you may know that this is MY key word my as in just more none of those tester ones for you smart asses this is my second post and im gunna do a lil test perhaps and experiment if you will on here and any one that talks to my mom or my moms boyfriend kevin dont tell them about this blog cuz im gunna secretly advertise for them on here and see if they come ranting to me about how much shit there selling and how i never helped them out so you get the picture muahahah, and hey im being nice to my mommy everyone, and plus the more money they have the longer my internet connection stays on so more and more entertainment for you, and also plus i dont think any mom would enjoy these pictures, but hey lets keep it to ourselves and well all stay big balls of joy! so heres there greens they slangin ;-)
its all up to you to figure out what it does to you but as for me well a full day of skating a hefty night of partying a phat burrito and here i am at 5 am still treating you guys to my treat, right like that VVVV!
good by and i will see you later today, sooner than later cuz ill have energy from both my greens mommys and all. ;-)
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