I used to have a blog and i always have a digital camera on me for many reasons but mainly to film ufos when i see them but i also see a bunch of other crazy stuff while i dont see ufos that might just be as crazy as seeing a ufo or maybe not but this first post is all my scandisk emptying from backed up photos from about tha past year, as soon as brad asked me to have a blog on www.skatemental.com i stopped my old blog to start this one and heres how its gunna start...
this is a black widow that crawled on uncle jojo when he was fixing a lawn mower he found.
this is a clown driving a van i saw
this is chet after he peed on a ledge
this is my foot after skating this spot
this is a photo of puke that a kid dished out mid beer pong game and when he tryed to cover his mouth it shot out all sides.
this looks like an alien drew another alien
this is me poaching leo kickflip over a wall
this is a photo of my friend bob and when i was getting my emmissions tested i saw him in there it was funny
this is a kid i saw get hit by a car
this i a gecko
this is a photo i took as i was buying beer on day i was in line and two dood came up behind me in line and started juggling a bunch of 5 hour energy shots and i told them wait till ur done with all those then try to jugle them then they ask the cashier to go get a bottle of jager and the cashier are you guys mixing those nd they replyed ina souther accent Hell Yeah getter dun
this is a dood fishtailing as i was skating a spot
this is a tree unclejojo cut to look like a pusspuss
this is a tree that unclejojo cut into a dick
this is a vw bug that went threw a wall
this is me peeing threw my hand
this is my friend josh wood after he lit a napkin on fire and threw it over the bathroom stall as i was peeing
this is a few of my buddy chillin with a corectional officer we met at the bar
this is my gift to unclejojo on his 47th bday
this is unclejojo filming my brother jojo on unclejojos birthday the reason he filming is cuz the music was blairing loud and he was still sound asleep
this is john denver i look like him
this is a photo of me from underneath my pee
this is self explanatory
this is a dead fly i happen to see waiting in line to cash out at the horse track
this is my winnings at the horse track one day
this is weird
this is me in from of an M for MOTTA
this is flat stanley fs blunting
this is a photo of me doing an ollie i took on self timer
this si a rock that looked like a monster
this is rasta bush vines
this is josh hoffart
this is yellow teeth on a dentist sign
this is zombies in tucson
this is ty franz using busters netty pot
this is animal cruelty
this is a lettuce face
this is a crazy sunset
this is pizza bianco in phx and it world famous go read about it
this is what the pizza looked like
this is my halloween costume i wore this year
this is ye
this is my friend billy mayes
this is jim "j-peash" greco
this is cute
this is funny
this is too
this is the pretty moon
this is purple
this is funny
this is funny too
this is too
this is my grandma and my mom on her birthday i took her out to dinner
this is unclejojo and a rabbit at the pet store
this is uncle jojo and goldchain our new chicken we got to eat all the ants on our property
this is how me and unclejojo get our beer
this is ninja mike a homeless by choice man that lives at two guns pool
this is my cousins wedding
this is my cousin and his wife on there wedding day
this was in the bathroom at the church the wedding was at above the toilet i would say weird for sure.
this is my brother planting the first plants in his garden
this is his garden
this is not rascist
this is my art
this is to
this is more art
this is me getting ready to catch that shit
this is my brothers puke
this is my brother cleaning his puke
this is a weird hand game
this is nighty night
this is yummy
this is a super blunt
this is a drawing by a 10yo
this is a moon bounce in someones backyard at a skate spot and it looked like spider man had his dick out
this is my new favorite thing i own its my old roomate scooter that broke down as he got kicked out for being a retard but anyways the day he moved out he stole a bunch of things from all of us in the house but he left his scooter so i win
this is my moms boyfriend kevin his daughter hannah and my brother on her birthday
this is unclejojo and goldchain the chicken
this is goldchain
thsi si a one legged pigeon i saw downtown waitting for unclejojo in court
this is brad creeching in joshua tree
this is digi and poof sparring
this is a cool photo
this is how i spent my day in san jose at joey digis food spot
this is at 12 in the afternoon
this is what i actually saw after i went to the bathroom
this was after we got fucked up at noon in san jose
this is a stick i put ina toilet ina junkyard in berkeley
this is a manikin athe same junk yard
this is a skate mental camp site
this is a truck that hit a stop light and as we first saw it and we were waiting to turn and we were next to the cop behind the truck and we had the window down and we hear the cop say of course hes mexican
this is my tent the first night of the am chowder video premiere tour
this is the other tent
this was our view
this is fun
this is a smores
this is before
this is while
this is after
this is brad and matt in active ericas living room she let us stay at her house on our trip it was fun
this is us eating pizza in palm springs
this is breakfast at active ericas thanks again
this is brad taking over active ericas dogs territory
this is how skate mental get money daryl matt brad
this is active ericas dog that talk i love that dog
this is a drawing of brad i drew
this is poof and digi having a gr8 time
this is my patch work on my ripped pants
this is matt outside this weird bar in palm springs while we were insade we noticed him on the security camera out front
this is matt brad and daryl in joshua tree
this is cholla garden in joshua tree
this is joshua tree we went threw it on our am chowder video premiere tour.
this is my first margarita ever and it was in joshua tree courtesy of brad
this is the anal limo
this is a penny on a ledge outside a window as i was waitting to get ona plane to tampa this year
this is what got me threw the weekend in tampa
this is how to party
this is a bird in a restaurant in tampa
this is a shit a took
this is the shit i took after i purposely left it in the toilet to see what it would do
this is awesome
this is a kid that passedout standing up and he fell over and as he fell he bit my hand and slobbered on me on accident then went face first into the wood floor after that and just to let you know it was on about 10pm
this is john chillin with rip n dip
this is bert and i texting on our same phones
this is dell the funkee homosapian
this is marius throwing up skate mafia
this is the inside of a hummer limo
this is the hummer limo aka hotel to skatepark of tampa transportation
this is a milk shakei put a kaluah shot in
this is an owl ina gay bar in tampa
this is dan and justin gettin cozey
this is a photo of fun
this is our hotel room in tampa 12 people stayed in
this is another photo of it
this is exceptable
this is marius doing a dick shot in tampa from big mama
this is big mamas tool kit
this is unclejojo and sharky his fish that died R.I.P. sharky
this is lanebuquerque
this is ty franz and lane in dions pizza in albuquerque
this is by chance 26000000 to 1
this is my friend kyle after he ate some drive way falling off his vespa
this is jessicas drunk dog
this is a meal that i traded two tall cans for to the worker
this is a cage i built my rabbit
this is a scratcher i won
this is my winnings
this is my friend collin and a dick i drew
this is revenge
this is a dead frog ona golf course
this is a day i got wasted really early for some reason and i ran into my roomates room and took this photo then ran out
this is unclejojo
this is forrest
this is an invention me and my brothers friend taylor thought of one day while we were hi, and then about 3 months later i was on the internet and it was made.
this is a dwarf witha shovel
this is a cool picture
this is me at a pizza place witha bar after i went golfing one day i was peace fully eating my pizza went about six doods all dressed in the same work outfits came and took over the bar but they kept buying me drinks and calling me shaggy and johnny5000
this is what happend to all those dood that were buying drinks for me they got ina fight the one in the truck was the one that stabbed the dood and he was trying to run over the guy he stabbed yellingou the car window at the mixican guy to get out of the way so he could run him over
this is the aftermath of the bar fight with broken beer bottle stabs
this is the crime sceen after
this is my brother and his friends digging into pot brownies in our hotel in vegas
this is another pot brownie vegas hotel room photo
this is my buddy that makes me burritos buying himself a goldchain
this is a kid from mississipi in vegas that stole a car from cali to get to vegas and his name was brandon turner so if your wondering what happend to brandon turner now you know
this is the only reason i hung out with this kid was for his beer he would steal 18 packs like it no big deal along with bags of beef jerky
this is chavo and thy nizz in vegas i randomly ran into them and we combined forces
this is what SNUS does to me and Chavo in vegas
this is a photo of a beer in with a bunch of beer on a chandelier in our hotel room in vegas
this is a crazy lookin dood walking a chiwawa
this is my brothers friend kevin taking a pee on our way back to phx from vegas
this is part of the painted dessert
this is joe dirt
this is my shit that ryan reyes is playing with at a rest stop goin to new mexcico he was trying to be funny in the next stall next to me making weird noises like farts and stuff so i shit on the floor next to his foot.
this is the sun bouncing of a mountain making the figure of a person giant
this was my bed room in new mexico
this ones for robjohn
this is what happend to me after i eat wendys
this is ryan reyes waking up in the middle of the night after we got him hi in his sleep in new mexcio
this i sme peeing threw a not ina fence
this is a stealth attempt photo of the black doods two watches on one wrist all the way to the right
this was the beast everyone was prowling on hip hop night in new mexico
this is some posey hole
this is my grwler fomr marble in new mexcio
this is an upper decker i pulled threw with
this is ryan reyes peeing in a bottle in the rain in the back of vlads truck with lane at the wheel
this is blackmail
this is a snake pipe
this is for dt
this is me and hunter taking a poop
thsi s robjohn shot gunning a huge beer
this is sca turtle dancing sca on the back of a jeep
this is a dream come true for vlad
this is fish clouds
this is one of my favorite things to eat in the world
this is fully dry bones
this and upper decker at a cheba hut becasue they charged me for a 3inch sub for $4
this is how unclejojs barbcues
this is cody and forrest thier cousins but check out the photo of forrest in codys back pocket
this is unclejojo doing body work on my truck
this is unclejojos cat topaz taking a shit
this is a lego world that a substitute teacher made at his house while getting stoned
this is a fire i saw in my neighborhood
this is for lanebuquerque
this is a house i saw that got tped
this is nice
thsi si how uncle jojo would get the lawn mower from house to house before he fixed one he found on the side of the road
this is a big fish poop
so is this
this is a plant with one red leaf
this is brads money clip
this is a foam dolphin
this is brad surprising matt with a huge nug on our camping trip
this is a skunk that trapped me and matt after we smoked a blunt
this is what bb guns do
this is brad sniping fools
this is target practice
this is brad roastin on the grill check his bacon dog
this is matt at 10am when i woke up on a dock camping
this is omar in a bigfoot suite
this is reese giving matt a huge hug
this is matt and reese play fighting
this is brad and joekrak man handling the grill once again
this is where me and joekrak slept
this is hunter taking a poop while brad tryed to geta photo
this is joekrak and drawings of the honey beer bong
this is joekrak and joekraks bong
this is joekraks nieghborhood kat
this is a generation blunt
this is my jewish friend kevin gilman buying in n out with a $2 bill
thsi is a guy at a diamond backs game that had a sign that said my sign wants to be on the radio
this is mrs homoki gettin her fix on beer on her sons 21st birthday
this is a black dood walkin down the street in buffalo holding a snake
this is my pee
this is john taking a pee in the van while brian gets wizard statused
this is brad taking a pee in the van
this is a garbage can filled with all of our bottles of pee
this is what i left for the hotel cleaning lady
this is me before i cut my hair
this is the tribute to creech a preying mantis that made it from denver to Massachusetts in the tour van
this is me and matt at 3am
this is justin peek-a-booing
this is a photo of me perving out in philly every verizon store i saw on the trip i would walk in and put my battery on there display phones to charge my phone cuz my charging port on my phone broke
this is a hell yes todd jordan
this is me peng in a black toilet prolly the first one of my life
this is all the stuff i stole out of a shitty bar in philly
this is another item i managed to get out of the bar
this is my favorite european and i raging
this isa money shot
this is bams house
this is bams ramps
this is bams driveway
this is me peeing on bams skatepark shed warehouse
this is jason riding bams quad
this is lewis after he flipped bams quad
thsi is bams skatepark
this grant chillin on a fountain
this is a snatch i drew in a hotel room bathroom stall
this is clam baking
this is a black kid doing a wheely at fdr
this is a black midget at fdr
this is a clown driving a van
this is clark and some gift cards
this is a black widow that crawled on uncle jojo when he was fixing a lawn mower he found.
this is a clown driving a van i saw
this is chet after he peed on a ledge
this is my foot after skating this spot
this is a photo of puke that a kid dished out mid beer pong game and when he tryed to cover his mouth it shot out all sides.
this looks like an alien drew another alien
this is me poaching leo kickflip over a wall
this is a photo of my friend bob and when i was getting my emmissions tested i saw him in there it was funny
this is a kid i saw get hit by a car
this i a gecko
this is a photo i took as i was buying beer on day i was in line and two dood came up behind me in line and started juggling a bunch of 5 hour energy shots and i told them wait till ur done with all those then try to jugle them then they ask the cashier to go get a bottle of jager and the cashier are you guys mixing those nd they replyed ina souther accent Hell Yeah getter dun
this is a dood fishtailing as i was skating a spot
this is a tree unclejojo cut to look like a pusspuss
this is a tree that unclejojo cut into a dick
this is a vw bug that went threw a wall
this is me peeing threw my hand
this is my friend josh wood after he lit a napkin on fire and threw it over the bathroom stall as i was peeing
this is a few of my buddy chillin with a corectional officer we met at the bar
this is my gift to unclejojo on his 47th bday
this is unclejojo filming my brother jojo on unclejojos birthday the reason he filming is cuz the music was blairing loud and he was still sound asleep
this is john denver i look like him
this is a photo of me from underneath my pee
this is self explanatory
this is a dead fly i happen to see waiting in line to cash out at the horse track
this is my winnings at the horse track one day
this is weird
this is me in from of an M for MOTTA
this is flat stanley fs blunting
this is a photo of me doing an ollie i took on self timer
this si a rock that looked like a monster
this is rasta bush vines
this is josh hoffart
this is yellow teeth on a dentist sign
this is zombies in tucson
this is ty franz using busters netty pot
this is animal cruelty
this is a lettuce face
this is a crazy sunset
this is pizza bianco in phx and it world famous go read about it
this is what the pizza looked like
this is my halloween costume i wore this year
this is ye
this is my friend billy mayes
this is jim "j-peash" greco
this is cute
this is funny
this is too
this is the pretty moon
this is purple
this is funny
this is funny too
this is too
this is my grandma and my mom on her birthday i took her out to dinner
this is unclejojo and a rabbit at the pet store
this is uncle jojo and goldchain our new chicken we got to eat all the ants on our property
this is how me and unclejojo get our beer
this is ninja mike a homeless by choice man that lives at two guns pool
this is my cousins wedding
this is my cousin and his wife on there wedding day
this was in the bathroom at the church the wedding was at above the toilet i would say weird for sure.
this is my brother planting the first plants in his garden
this is his garden
this is not rascist
this is my art
this is to
this is more art
this is me getting ready to catch that shit
this is my brothers puke
this is my brother cleaning his puke
this is a weird hand game
this is nighty night
this is yummy
this is a super blunt
this is a drawing by a 10yo
this is a moon bounce in someones backyard at a skate spot and it looked like spider man had his dick out
this is my new favorite thing i own its my old roomate scooter that broke down as he got kicked out for being a retard but anyways the day he moved out he stole a bunch of things from all of us in the house but he left his scooter so i win
this is my moms boyfriend kevin his daughter hannah and my brother on her birthday
this is unclejojo and goldchain the chicken
this is goldchain
this is brad creeching in joshua tree
this is digi and poof sparring
this is a cool photo
this is how i spent my day in san jose at joey digis food spot
this is at 12 in the afternoon
this is what i actually saw after i went to the bathroom
this was after we got fucked up at noon in san jose
this is a stick i put ina toilet ina junkyard in berkeley
this is a manikin athe same junk yard
this is a skate mental camp site
this is a truck that hit a stop light and as we first saw it and we were waiting to turn and we were next to the cop behind the truck and we had the window down and we hear the cop say of course hes mexican
this is my tent the first night of the am chowder video premiere tour
this is the other tent
this was our view
this is fun
this is a smores
this is before
this is while
this is after
this is brad and matt in active ericas living room she let us stay at her house on our trip it was fun
this is us eating pizza in palm springs
this is breakfast at active ericas thanks again
this is brad taking over active ericas dogs territory
this is how skate mental get money daryl matt brad
this is active ericas dog that talk i love that dog
this is a drawing of brad i drew
this is poof and digi having a gr8 time
this is my patch work on my ripped pants
this is matt outside this weird bar in palm springs while we were insade we noticed him on the security camera out front
this is matt brad and daryl in joshua tree
this is cholla garden in joshua tree
this is joshua tree we went threw it on our am chowder video premiere tour.
this is my first margarita ever and it was in joshua tree courtesy of brad
this is a penny on a ledge outside a window as i was waitting to get ona plane to tampa this year
this is what got me threw the weekend in tampa
this is how to party
this is a bird in a restaurant in tampa
this is a shit a took
this is the shit i took after i purposely left it in the toilet to see what it would do
this is awesome
this is a kid that passedout standing up and he fell over and as he fell he bit my hand and slobbered on me on accident then went face first into the wood floor after that and just to let you know it was on about 10pm
this is john chillin with rip n dip
this is bert and i texting on our same phones
this is dell the funkee homosapian
this is marius throwing up skate mafia
this is the inside of a hummer limo
this is the hummer limo aka hotel to skatepark of tampa transportation
this is a milk shakei put a kaluah shot in
this is an owl ina gay bar in tampa
this is dan and justin gettin cozey
this is a photo of fun
this is our hotel room in tampa 12 people stayed in
this is another photo of it
this is exceptable
this is marius doing a dick shot in tampa from big mama
this is big mamas tool kit
this is unclejojo and sharky his fish that died R.I.P. sharky
this is lanebuquerque
this is ty franz and lane in dions pizza in albuquerque
this is by chance 26000000 to 1
this is my friend kyle after he ate some drive way falling off his vespa
this is jessicas drunk dog
this is a meal that i traded two tall cans for to the worker
this is a cage i built my rabbit
this is a scratcher i won
this is my winnings
this is my friend collin and a dick i drew
this is revenge
this is a dead frog ona golf course
this is a day i got wasted really early for some reason and i ran into my roomates room and took this photo then ran out
this is unclejojo
this is forrest
this is an invention me and my brothers friend taylor thought of one day while we were hi, and then about 3 months later i was on the internet and it was made.
this is a dwarf witha shovel
this is a cool picture
this is me at a pizza place witha bar after i went golfing one day i was peace fully eating my pizza went about six doods all dressed in the same work outfits came and took over the bar but they kept buying me drinks and calling me shaggy and johnny5000
this is what happend to all those dood that were buying drinks for me they got ina fight the one in the truck was the one that stabbed the dood and he was trying to run over the guy he stabbed yellingou the car window at the mixican guy to get out of the way so he could run him over
this is the aftermath of the bar fight with broken beer bottle stabs
this is the crime sceen after
this is my brother and his friends digging into pot brownies in our hotel in vegas
this is another pot brownie vegas hotel room photo
this is my buddy that makes me burritos buying himself a goldchain
this is a kid from mississipi in vegas that stole a car from cali to get to vegas and his name was brandon turner so if your wondering what happend to brandon turner now you know
this is the only reason i hung out with this kid was for his beer he would steal 18 packs like it no big deal along with bags of beef jerky
this is chavo and thy nizz in vegas i randomly ran into them and we combined forces
this is what SNUS does to me and Chavo in vegas
this is a photo of a beer in with a bunch of beer on a chandelier in our hotel room in vegas
this is a crazy lookin dood walking a chiwawa
this is my brothers friend kevin taking a pee on our way back to phx from vegas
this is part of the painted dessert
this is joe dirt
this is my shit that ryan reyes is playing with at a rest stop goin to new mexcico he was trying to be funny in the next stall next to me making weird noises like farts and stuff so i shit on the floor next to his foot.
this is the sun bouncing of a mountain making the figure of a person giant
this was my bed room in new mexico
this ones for robjohn
this is what happend to me after i eat wendys
this is ryan reyes waking up in the middle of the night after we got him hi in his sleep in new mexcio
this i sme peeing threw a not ina fence
this is a stealth attempt photo of the black doods two watches on one wrist all the way to the right
this was the beast everyone was prowling on hip hop night in new mexico
this is some posey hole
this is my grwler fomr marble in new mexcio
this is an upper decker i pulled threw with
this is ryan reyes peeing in a bottle in the rain in the back of vlads truck with lane at the wheel
this is blackmail
this is a snake pipe
this is for dt
this is me and hunter taking a poop
thsi s robjohn shot gunning a huge beer
this is sca turtle dancing sca on the back of a jeep
this is a dream come true for vlad
this is fish clouds
this is one of my favorite things to eat in the world
this is fully dry bones
this and upper decker at a cheba hut becasue they charged me for a 3inch sub for $4
this is how unclejojs barbcues
this is cody and forrest thier cousins but check out the photo of forrest in codys back pocket
this is unclejojo doing body work on my truck
this is unclejojos cat topaz taking a shit
this is a lego world that a substitute teacher made at his house while getting stoned
this is a fire i saw in my neighborhood
this is for lanebuquerque
this is a house i saw that got tped
this is nice
thsi si how uncle jojo would get the lawn mower from house to house before he fixed one he found on the side of the road
this is a big fish poop
so is this
this is a plant with one red leaf
this is brads money clip
this is a foam dolphin
this is brad surprising matt with a huge nug on our camping trip
this is a skunk that trapped me and matt after we smoked a blunt
this is what bb guns do
this is brad sniping fools
this is target practice
this is brad roastin on the grill check his bacon dog
this is matt at 10am when i woke up on a dock camping
this is omar in a bigfoot suite
this is reese giving matt a huge hug
this is matt and reese play fighting
this is brad and joekrak man handling the grill once again
this is where me and joekrak slept
this is hunter taking a poop while brad tryed to geta photo
this is joekrak and drawings of the honey beer bong
this is joekrak and joekraks bong
this is joekraks nieghborhood kat
this is a generation blunt
this is my jewish friend kevin gilman buying in n out with a $2 bill
thsi is a guy at a diamond backs game that had a sign that said my sign wants to be on the radio
this is mrs homoki gettin her fix on beer on her sons 21st birthday
this is a black dood walkin down the street in buffalo holding a snake
this is my pee
this is john taking a pee in the van while brian gets wizard statused
this is brad taking a pee in the van
this is a garbage can filled with all of our bottles of pee
this is what i left for the hotel cleaning lady
this is me before i cut my hair
this is the tribute to creech a preying mantis that made it from denver to Massachusetts in the tour van
this is me and matt at 3am
this is justin peek-a-booing
this is a photo of me perving out in philly every verizon store i saw on the trip i would walk in and put my battery on there display phones to charge my phone cuz my charging port on my phone broke
this is a hell yes todd jordan
this is me peng in a black toilet prolly the first one of my life
this is all the stuff i stole out of a shitty bar in philly
this is another item i managed to get out of the bar
this is my favorite european and i raging
this isa money shot
this is bams house
this is bams ramps
this is bams driveway
this is me peeing on bams skatepark shed warehouse
this is jason riding bams quad
this is lewis after he flipped bams quad
thsi is bams skatepark
this grant chillin on a fountain
this is a snatch i drew in a hotel room bathroom stall
this is clam baking
this is a black kid doing a wheely at fdr
this is a black midget at fdr
this is a clown driving a van
this is clark and some gift cards
You are amazing, sir!
ReplyDeletelike a said.... qp of purple for that happy medium board. i live in tucson we can make an easy trade my friend!